Monday, November 1, 2010

get google apps|wordpress|drupal|phpbb hosting for free

if you want google apps free without buying a web domain or if you want to host wordpress,drupal,phpbb for free?be happy because now you can do this using dreamhostapps.

dreamhost launched dreamhostapps it's a totally free  and provides following services.

wordpress:free wordpress hosting and just one click installation .now its available with editable themes.

phpbb:you can create your own forums.

drupal:its open source software using it you can create your powerful website like

google apps:provide google calender,google docs and GMail.

media wiki:the powerful wiki software

zen photo:the web photo gallery

how to use dreamhostapps:

step 1:go to dreamhostapps

step 2:sign up with new account

step 3:if you have a domain name than use it or register new web domain using dreamhostapps either use sub domain like

step 4:install apps you want by just clicking install tab.and wait for 15 minutes and you have can manage your apps using manage tab.

dreamhostapps is free during beta period but if you signup now than you can use it for free forever.


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