Monday, August 8, 2011

How To Share Google Plus Posts on Facebook and Twitter

Google plus are Going to become a most popular social networking site day to day.It’s a first site that increased their popularity in very less time because behind this site is a big name Google.

When using Google plus people also want to share there post to Facebook and twitter because some of their old friends not using Google plus yet.So its annoying to go Facebook and Twitter and pasting your post or status second time.So How to share it without Login to Facebook and twitter?

One Chrome extension called Extended Share for Google Plus are help you to share your Google plus post directly from your account.Just Install it and send to icon appear next your each post in Google plus.Hit that button and it will ask you to post on twitter or Facebook then choose your option.

Another option specially for twitter is ManageFlitter .Just  copy your Google plus URL and connect it with your Twitter account using ManageFlitter.It will Automatically publish your new posts to Twitter.If your post longer then 140 characters then they will link back to your post.You can also use Twittermail for Share Google + post directly to Twitter.

There are another Chrome extension called SGPlus which also allows you to automatically share Google + posts to Twitter and Facebook Both.

1 comment:

  1. Thats interesting..was not aware of this feature!
    However, Google + going "to become a most popular social networking site"? You really think so?

    I dont c much new things being offered out there. Seems more like a culmination of diff social networking sites!


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