Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How to add Google +1 button to your Website or Blog

As per you already know recently Google released +1 button for search result,Now you can  put it on your website  using simple script.

Cool Style of tree speakers

It’s an amazing style ,the speaker has  placed in tree.that will change a look of your home something different from others.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

gPodder– The Smart podcast consumption

gpodder is a smart podcast application which Download free Audio and Video content from internet which  you will able to watch on your computer or on The Go.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Google wallet The secure way for Mobile payment

Google announced the new easy and secure way of payment through mobile Google wallet.You’ll be able to tap your phone to pay and redeem offers using near field communication, or NFC.

Keyboard shortcuts Raise your Experience With Windows

There are couple of Keyboard shortcuts for Windows that can Raise your experience with windows and help you to make an easy use of your pc.

Google Introducing People widget for Gmail

Now get on connected with your Best friends,Gmail introducing new People widget which you can see at right side of your Email.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Google news new Interface reduces clutter

Google news made many interesting changes in their look.they added multimedia,images on the Top stories.they  also added more links but we have to manually expand them.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How to check your current power drain in real time

Some time's we see that power drained much at particular time period and laptop battery goes down.why it should happened ?it's because when we start or plugging something that's power intensive to laptop than it consumes  more power than normal.
As a example when we turn on WIFI,Blutooth or we plugging a many USB,game remote or usb hard drive to laptop port than it consumes more power than normal,so how can we see  that power consumed by particular power intensive?

Pwrdrain is a simple solution for it.using Pwrdrain-gadget you can check current power drain in a real time.

pwrdrain is just like a power meter but most other power meters shows remaining battery charge,but pwrdrain is not like that.

Its a windows sidebar gadget and open is written in Html,Css and java's take reading from Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

Download pwrdrain | Photo by Hillwalker

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dropbox FTC Complaint - users cheated

Dropbox The most popular online storage system Lied to Users About Data Security.

Dropbox which have 25 million users  is not complete their promises.

As per wired,drop box said until April 13
Dropbox employees aren’t able to access user files, and when troubleshooting an account, they only have access to file metadatafilenames, file sizes, etc. not the file contents). (
now the site says

Dropbox employees are prohibited from viewing the content of files you store in your Dropboxaccount, and are only permitted to view file metadata (e.g., file names and locations).
they also added that
Like most online services, we have a small number of employees who must be able to access user data for the reasons stated in our privacy policy (e.g., when legally required to do so). But that’s the rare exception, not the rule. We have strict policy and technical access controls that prohibit employee access except in these rare circumstances. In addition, we employ a number of physical and electronic security measures to protect user information from unauthorized access.

There's a Complaint made to FTC Alleges about can see it on this Pdf file.

Friday, May 13, 2011

zoho writer - The quick introduction

Now a day's all things are going online ,all engineers are works on how to put their coded works online as a Internet apps.

Zoho writer is an online tool that let's you write a styles documents,it's a comfortable, totally free and easy in use.

Zoho writer having intuitive toolbar with menu items neatly grouped in context based tabs.

It having WYSIWYG friendly editor,you can see it under a format tab,choose various fonts apply size too.create headings,highlight colors and Format text with bullets, numbering, indents.

Under  insert tab you can find options for inserting images,tables,links,horizontal rule,page break,special characters,Html,comments and emotions etc.   

you can easily spell check your document in 75 languages and Lists all the versions of a document. Compare any two versions of the document and find the difference between them and also chose various templates for your document.

share your document ,publish it in to your blog directly,email it and make it to draft also.

Their are also chat option provided where can you chat with your Buddy's and edit your content by discussing.